One oft-quoted reason for people not wanting to go on a cruise is the fear of being seasick. A huge percentage of people will suffer from some kind of motion sickness but being on a cruise ship can, on occasion, really bring on bad cases of nausea. It’s not exactly what you want when you’re looking at how to spend a holiday, bringing illness upon yourself like that. But it’s not inevitable, there are ways you can combat seasickness and make sure it doesn’t ruin your holiday, ranging from traditional medications through to simple exercises that you can try. Here’s five useful tips that can help any sufferers relax and have a more enjoyable time.
Straight-forward enough, the first suggestion is probably one of the better with specialist medication designed to help. However these often have problems with side effects, as you may end up suffering from drowsiness. The idea solution is one that helps you without negatively impacting your time in any way. However if you know you get seasick easily, see your doctor and they’ll be able to prescribe you something to help deal with the problem. Sometimes this will come in the form of a patch which you simply stick behind your ear.
Many people have reported ginger helping with their symptoms, in various forms. Whether you take a pure pill of the root, try chewing on it, ingest it in powder or tea form or try ginger sweets, it’s supposed to have a calming effect which can relieve your symptoms if you’re feeling unwell, and without any unwanted side effects that may stop you from having fun. Of course the downside with ginger is that it usually isn’t as effective as a prescribed medication, so it may not do anything to help.
Look, I know that this might sound stupid, but merely focusing on your breathing can really help you get past any problems you might have. I don’t just mean keep breathing, obviously you need to do that, but you should try to relax, and take deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. If you slow it down, you might find it helps to stop you feeling sick.
Acupuncture wristbands
Personally I’m sceptical with this, but you can’t argue with the huge number of people who claim that they’ve seen success with these specialist wristbands that have a plastic bead that applies pressure to your inner wrist, in a targeted area which nullifies the feelings of sickness. It’s available for adults and for children, while some other remedies aren’t recommended for kids, which is a benefit, but there’s no guarantee that it will work for you. However they are a popular item and many people swear by them, so it’s worth a try.
Focus on the horizon
As simple as it sounds, it’s thought that focusing on the horizon, rather than looking round, can help you feel more secure and get yourself feeling right. It’s probably best to do this through a window, as the air will be calmer which helps you to stay focused.
By Ian Lewis
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